What Should I Feed My Dog?

September 1, 2022

Dogs require proper nutrients to stay healthy. This is why it is important to look after what they’re eating. The nutritional requirements differ for each dog depending on the dog’s age, breed, size, and health status. For example, a puppy feeds differently than a mature dog, and a pregnant dog feeds differently than a non-pregnant dog.

Dogs require six basic nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, water, minerals, and vitamins. It would be best to ask a veterinarian what to feed your dog throughout each stage of his life. You can also consider the following guidelines when planning a meal for your dog:

Commercial dog food

The American College of Veterinary Nutrition recommends commercial foods as healthy and safe for pets. Commercial foods are high quality and especially made to meet all dogs’ nutritional requirements. The availability of these foods depends on the dog’s status—be it a puppy, an adolescent, an adult, or a pregnant dog. Therefore, you need to know the right type of dog food. You can get commercial dog food from any pet shop closest to you.

Homemade pet food

With your vet’s guidance, you can easily prepare your dog’s food at home. Homemade pet foods are beneficial because they are cheap and customizable. You can choose the most important nutritional component while making your dog’s food at home. That way, you save money, time, and energy. Furthermore, you will gain more insight about your dog as a result of the exposure from the process.

Scraps from your food

It is believed that most people feed their dogs table scraps. While some people advise against it, feeding your dog table scraps can be a fun bonding experience. However, be careful not to feed your dog human foods that could be antagonistic. Fatty foods, chocolate, salty snacks, raw meat, etc., are all examples of antagonistic dog foods.

Eating fatty foods can cause your dog to be overweight and contribute to pancreatitis, an inflammation of the pancreas. On the other hand, eating scraps could encourage bad behavior like begging. So watch what you feed your dogs if you have to give them table scraps.

Other foods

Dogs are omnivorous. As a result, they can eat what all humans can eat. You should feed your dog as you would feed yourself. While you prepare your meals, you should also be mindful of your dog’s nutritional needs. Dogs enjoy cooked fish, meat, and other foods, including snacks. So the next time you’re returning home from the office, a pack of biscuits wouldn’t hurt to give your dog a treat!


Feeding your dog should be done with guidance from a veterinarian. Your vet is a professional and is trained to understand everything about your dog. We encourage you to pay attention to the few things mentioned here to have the health of your dog sustained.