Simple Tips to Get Your Lazy Dog to Exercise

August 20, 2022

Daily exercise for dogs should range from 30 minutes to two hours. Smaller dogs require less exercise time, whereas larger dogs demand more. What is the best way to get a sluggish dog to exercise daily? This article will go over some simple ways to get your dog in shape.

1. Begin with regular walks

The smartest and easiest way to encourage your lazy dog to work out is by beginning slowly and progressing to regular walks. Start with a stroll and then increase the pace of the walk. Avoid pushing your dog to do more than it wants to do. Just like humans, dogs need time to build their confidence, and as such, if your dog has been lazy for an extended time, just a little walk could be a bit too much for them.

2. Change the scenery

Dogs are curious animals, and one smart way to get a lazy dog to work out is by triggering its curiosity. Exercising using the same route or scenery can turn out to be boring for your dog. You could take the dog out for a walk to the park, beach, or even the mall. You’d be surprised at how much energy you can feel when you take them to the right place.

3. Use food-dispensing toys

In this case, you should consider toys that encourage your dog to keep moving. The dispensers are made in such a way as to hold food for your dog cleanly and hygienically. Also, such toys help encourage your dog to keep moving with the hope of getting food rewards.

4. Leverage on games

You can get your dog involved in one-on-one games. Some of the games to consider include fetch and tug-of-war. But if you want to play games like throwing balls, you can do it in a more spacious area. One way to encourage your dog to participate is by giving rewards or treats.

5. Playdates and playmates

You can get your dog engaged with another dog for a play date while walking or at a meeting at a dog park to get your dog interested in another dog. Circling, smelling, and establishing their territory are how dogs normally respond to one another. If your dog and the other one get along well, they will play together more frequently.

6. Get a dog walker

If you are busy and do not have the time to exercise your dogs daily, you should hire a professional dog walker. When you’re not in town or just feeling lazy, you can enlist the help of a professional, a friend, a pet sitting app, or family members.

Take away

Getting your lazy dog to burn some fat may seem like a difficult task, but with the right strategy, your dog should be up and moving in no time.