Simple Exercises to Keep Your Pet Healthy and Strong

November 17, 2022

Keeping your pets healthy and strong will help them live longer, save you money, and keep them active at all times. You don’t want your cat or dog to look weak and unhappy. Your pet will be in good shape with the right exercises. This article will explore some simple activities to keep your pet healthy and strong.

What’s all the fuss about exercising pets?

Physical activity and regular exercise allow their bodies to produce feel-good hormones capable of strengthening their overall immunity. Like humans, animals need to engage in frequent exercise to remain healthy. Make sure to include playtime in your daily schedule. If you can afford to hit the gym out of your busy schedule, why shouldn’t your furry companion be provided with the same opportunity?

For your dog

While most dogs may love to take a walk daily, you can still go the extra mile to make exercising challenging and fun with the following tips:

• Go for a walk

When dealing with dogs, running and exercising are essential as consistent aerobic activities help boost the heart and muscles. Ideally, your dog should have about 30 minutes of aerobic exercise. To maximize the walk for your dog, make sure to do it in splits and move quicker for nearly half of the entire trek so that your dog is more focused on continuous movements. You may carry along a toy for your dog to keep them excited and motivated during the exercise.

• Provide cover

You don’t have to be discouraged by rainy weather as you can walk into a pet-friendly store. A thoughtful way to go about this will be to conceal treats for your dog and instruct them to search for them.

For your cats

One unique thing about cats is that they love food and enjoy activities and games that trigger their curiosity. Here are a few smart ideas you may adopt:

• Make use of their natural hunting instincts

Triggering your pet’s instincts to stalk, pounce, and the hunt is a perfect way to inspire them to exercise more. You may use feather dancers and toys that require movement to interact. Here, the aim is to achieve five minutes of play three times a day.

• Make the environment attractive

Put yourself in the paws of your cat and imagine how you could make the house more fun and interactive. You could come up with a cat tree or cat perch and have it in the back of your mind that cats delight in exploring tiny spaces.

• Turn feeding into an exercise

Instead of feeding your cat at ground level for each meal, you should put one meal low and the other as high as possible. Doing this will help to awaken the cats’ search and hunting instincts.

Last line

Your cats and dogs are more than just pets; they are an integral part of your family and deserve to be treated as such. Ensure that you do all that is necessary to keep them strong and healthy.