Seven Ways To Keep Your Children Healthy In The School Year

September 1, 2022

Efficiency is aided by a healthy way of living. As a parent, it is therefore critical to ensure the health of your children. Parents should also teach their children how to live a healthy lifestyle when they get home from school. These are the seven most effective ways to keep your children healthy during the school year.

Here are seven ways to keep your children healthy:

Ensure adequate sleep

Assist your children in developing a regular nighttime routine. Nine to eleven hours of sleep is recommended for kindergarten through sixth-grade. The quality of your child’s sleep is closely related to their eating habits, behavior, and the body’s ability to fight infections. So, always make sure your child sleeps well to avoid the risk of being sick.

Daily exercise

It’s essential to be physically active. Approximately 50-60 minutes of exercise promotes a good sleep and improves performance in school. Make sure you involve your children in one or two exercises before going to school. However, these exercises should not be too strenuous.

Reduce screen time

A maximum of two hours a day of non-homework screen usage is recommended. This includes the use of mobile phones, televisions, tablets, and computers. Also, avoid using gadgets at night as the person’s circadian rhythm can be thrown off by the light projected from these devices. Blue light decreases melatonin levels and causes sleep deprivation.

Maintain a healthy diet

The most important meal of the day is a nutritious breakfast. Your child’s ability to concentrate on studies is enhanced when they eat a healthy breakfast. Beneficial foods include protein, dairy, or whole grains. Additionally, after breakfast, pack a healthy lunch for your child. Lean proteins, complete grains, fresh fruits, and vegetables should make up the lunch pack.

Teach proper hand hygiene

Before returning to school, it’s crucial to re-educate your children about the importance of handwashing. Teach your children the right way to wash their hands and constantly use hand sanitizer. They should wash their hands before eating, after sneezing, or coughing.

Maintain proper hydration

Hydration is necessary if you want your child to be as healthy as possible. When children are dehydrated, they can suffer from headaches, lightheadedness, tiredness, and poor academic performance. A reusable water bottle can be useful while they’re in school. If they’re not fond of drinking water, try adding a slice of fruit, like pineapple, to sweeten up the water a bit.

Don’t forget to get them vaccinated

In early childhood, most clinicians adhere to a strict regimen of vaccinations and immunizations. Therefore, ensure that your youngsters are up-to-date on all of their prescribed vaccinations. This vaccine will prevent the high risk of contracting any sickness, disease, or virus.

Wrapping Up

Staying healthy at all times is a good thing to do. Therefore, as a parent, your child’s health is critical to your happiness. Above are seven ways to make sure your children are healthy while in school or at home.