2022: Preparing for Thanksgiving

2022: Preparing for Thanksgiving

An Overview of Thanksgiving: Numerous people all across the world express their gratitude for what they have on Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is one of the most highly awaited holidays in the US and other nations including Canada, Saint Lucia, and Grenada. The day began...

Preparing Clothes for Fall Season

Preparing Clothes for Fall Season

7 Best Advice for Preparing Your Clothes for the Upcoming Fall/Winter Season Spring cleaning comes to mind as many of us enter the Spring/Summer season, but don't limit it to your major household duties — your closet also needs a refurb! I frequently stress the need...

Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day

Depending on where you're at in the world Mother's Day celebrations can take on many different forms and fashions. In the United States Mother's Day was created by Anna Jarvis in 1908 and it became an official US holiday in 1914. What many people do not realize is...