What to Do if My Cat Is Sick

September 3, 2022

Cats, just like other pets, require immediate call care. Cat care can be pretty tricky, especially when they are handled for the first time. Furthermore, pet owners are often faced with the challenges of properly caring for them, especially when they are in a vulnerable state. Listed below are tips to follow when a cat is sick.

Book an Appointment

When a cat exhibits symptoms of illness, do not panic. Make sure a veterinarian examination is carried out.  This helps ensure that proper medications are administered, as cat health is quite fragile. Any unnecessary delay may cause severe damage as their illness and injuries will always require urgent care.

Supervise their feeding routine

It is common for a cat to stop eating and drinking when sick. Make sure that your cat gets the minimum amount of food and water to help prevent dehydration. Cats enjoy chicken, liquid food, and warm food with fascinating aromas. In situations where a cat has difficulty swallowing, pureed food can be quite helpful in ensuring both water and food intake. Inconsistencies with food and water intake may lead to weakness, which is harmful to the cat’s well-being. More so, veterinarians can provide good food tips in this situation.

Regular Bath

If your cat has a skin problem, using ionized water (i.e., water containing a minimal salt level) is highly recommended to fight bacteria and prevent infections. Discourage licking of sores by applying a topical ointment and bandage to the affected area.

Administering proper medications

Medications should be administered as per veterinarian prescriptions and not based on personal care. Give the medication based on the dose and routine specified by the veterinarian and ensure treatment completion. Giving tablets may be challenging, but you can turn them into powder and mix them with water. Always consult your veterinarian for proper guidance.

Close Monitoring

Keep a close eye on your cat for any behavioral changes, either positively or negatively. This helps to determine the cat’s response to treatment. If the behavioral change becomes worse; it’s highly required to seek a veterinarian’s attention. On the other hand, positive changes are motivations that encourage the continuation of the medication routine.

Ensure they are in visible sight at home

This ensures close monitoring as well. Cats when sick should be placed in a warm, illuminated, quiet, and open area to encourage proper monitoring for any behavioral change. Place their litter box near their spot for easy access.

Book another appointment

The next appointment at the clinic helps ensure that your cat is in good shape even after a positive response to treatment. This is advised whether behavioral changes to medication are positive or negative to guarantee a healthy condition and no underlying illness.


Pets get sick, and it becomes very challenging when we are clueless. To assist in this situation, we have compiled a few tips above on the things you can do when your cat is sick.