Things to Do if Your Dog Is Sick

November 12, 2022

Seeing your dog fall sick can be painful, especially if it is your first experience owning one. You may not know how severe the case may be, so it will be best to see a veterinarian for a proper checkup and, from there, follow the instructions. What are the things you should do if your pet falls sick?

Keep your pet and the environment clean

When your dog falls sick, you shouldn’t give them a bath since it could make them uncomfortable. You could use a cloth and dip it in warm water to wipe your dog. This can help your dog feel better. A clean environment will also help protect the dog from other health hazards.

Feed your dog well

Your dog may not have the appetite to eat as before. Be patient. For the first 24 hours, your dog will experience nausea or diarrhea and won’t be able to eat anything. Make a pet electrolyte mixture and administer it for strength. Depending on the age, breed, level of activity, and type of disease, a portion of completely bland pet food should be given the next day, containing protein and carbohydrates. Subsequently, other healthy diets like rice and chicken should be provided until your dog feels better.

Give your dog enough water

Just like humans, your dog needs enough water to stay hydrated. The illness can result in your dog’s dehydration and weakness, so always provide water in the water bowl for your dog and keep it close for easy access. If needed, you can ask your vet for subcutaneous fluid.

Give your dog a good place to rest

Your dog needs a comfortable, dry, quiet, draught-free, and safe place to rest. Providing a good spot or a bed for warmth will help them feel relaxed and get better. Leaving the dog outside will only expose him to extreme weather conditions and other threats.

Communicate with your dog

If your dog is sick, he may not be as playful and lively as before, but he will still need your attention. Your care, love, and friendliness still mean a lot to your pet. Communicating with your dog will let him know how much you care about him and encourage him to get better.

Bring your dog to a veterinarian

As soon as you notice that your dog is not in good health, you should go and see the veterinarian immediately. A lot of illnesses can be avoided if the right thing is done. Ensure thorough tests and checks are carried out to check your dog’s overall health state.


Paying attention to your dogs will let you determine when they are sick. Seek a veterinarian so proper medication and treatment can be given on time.