Five Tips to Looking After Your Dog’s Health in Spring

August 23, 2022

Dogs look forward to spring because it offers many play opportunities. However, caring for your dog entails understanding the times and seasons. Also, knowing the challenges associated with each season and how to keep your dog in good health is essential for pet maintenance.

Here are a few tips you should keep in mind during spring:

Deworming and Vaccination

No matter how watchful you may be, you can never tell when your dog is ingesting parasites. These parasites invade your dog’s system, multiply, and begin causing harm. If not treated, a parasitic infestation could also lead to malnutrition or even death.

The way out is to regularly deworm your dog. Your dog can also get exposed to diseases like rabies, kennel cough, and tetanus, which are very dangerous. So, vaccinating your dog is highly advised.

Avoid the use of harmful chemicals in your environment.

During spring, we tend to do a lot of cleaning, beautifying our environment, and cultivating a garden. While doing this, we should be mindful of the chemicals we use. All rodenticides, pesticides, or household cleaning products must be pet-friendly.

If they are empty, properly dispose of them. Also, home improvement products like paint, stain, and puffy are one of the ASPCA’s top poisons for pets, so they must be kept away from pets.

Groom your dog

Dog grooming is one important thing to do regularly during spring. The reason is that fleas, ticks, and lice increase in number during this season. Dirt and grime also increase, so bathing and brushing your dog’s hair should be done regularly. This way, you will keep your dog free from parasites and itching. You could also ask your vet what to apply to your dog’s body to prevent these pests.

Watch out for allergies

Dogs suffer from allergies during the spring. As the season unfolds, there could be allergies your dog might experience that you should watch out for. Get your dog tested for allergies. Also, your dog should visit the vet and get treatment on time to reduce exposure to the allergen.


If you want your dog to lose weight, spring is a good time to exercise. Gaining body weight is normal after the past few months of inactivity. You may want to lose weight fast by walking five miles daily, going up to your favorite mountain, and playing a game with your dog. Usually, exercising might seem too much on the first warm weekend. However, if you take it gently, you can build up the pace. That way, you gain strength and stamina for both you and your dog. Furthermore, the activity, fresh air, and sunshine during exercise will help your dog feel a lot better and sleep well.


The spring season is an incredible period for a lot of outdoor activities. Therefore, we hope that following these tips will help make springtime your dog’s favorite part of the year.