A Guide to Cleaning Your Cats

October 11, 2022

Cats are naturally good groomers, but sometimes they pick up sticky and smelly dirt. It’s always recommended to clean them. Let the guidelines below help you out.

Trim the claws

Make sure to trim your cat’s claws before bathing them. Cats are not fond of taking baths, so they tend to get upset and agitated, which may cause them to scratch their way out. Cats’ scratches can cause infections in humans.

Brush their fur before bathe

Cats’ fur can clog up your piping system, which can cost you extra money to get rid of. It’s always recommended to brush your cats thoroughly before bathing them. Luckily for you, almost all breeds of cats like to be brushed.

Always use cat’s shampoo

Human shampoo is designed for human skin. Using it on a cat’s skin may cause injuries and allergies. Always use a shampoo specifically made for the delicate skin of a cat. Pour the shampoo on your palm and lather it on the cat’s neck and massage it down to the tail. Avoid using shampoo on the cat’s face and eyes.

You can use the pour-over technique

Your cat may not like the idea of being drenched in water. When giving a bath, you can use a cup to pour water over the body.

Rinse properly

After shampooing and massaging, rinse your cat with clean, warm water. Make certain that all of the shampoos have been washed off the skin. Any residue left on the skin can irritate the cat’s fur. Always make sure you rinse them properly.

Wipe the face with a moist cloth

Instead of using shampoo or pouring water directly on your cat’s face, use a moist cloth for cleaning. You have to be extra careful when washing the face because any slight mistake can cause permanent injuries. The same with the eyes and ears, which are very delicate. If you notice any sticky dirt on the face, you can apply a few drops of shampoo to the cloth and carefully remove it.

Dry your cats properly

Even as humans, we dry ourselves after a bath. Cats need to be dried off to keep them warm after every bath. Use a soft and clean towel to dry your cat as soon as you finish bathing him. You can also use the hairdryer to dry your cat. You can adjust the hair dryer to low heat to hasten the drying process.


Caring for your cat shouldn’t be a difficult task. Always make sure you trim their claws, give them a warm bath, and dry them properly. Don’t forget to reward your cat with a snack for showing good behavior while cleaning.